
Yevamot: The brother-in-law or the shoe

Episode Summary

Rabbanit Chava Evans guides us through a complex labyrinth of intricate family relations to understand levirate marriage.

Episode Notes

Rabbanit Chava Evans guides us through a complex labyrinth of intricate family relations to understand levirate marriage.

Rabbanit Chava Evans holds a BA in Religion from Brown University, where she was awarded the James Manning Medal for Excellence in Religious Studies. Rabbanit Chava trained as a painter in Israel and the United States and holds an MFA from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. She learned at the Nishmat Center for Advanced Torah Study and received Orthodox Semikhah in May, 2017 from Yeshivat Maharat. Rabbanit Chava currently serves as the Director of Jewish Life at the Bender JCC of Greater Washington.