
Temurah: Committing to a Communal Cause

Episode Summary

Judith Levitan opens up masekhet Temurah, unpacking how its laws give us a framework to negotiate between our competing urges: the desire to give love, and the desire to preserve ourselves.

Episode Notes

Judith Levitan opens up masekhet Temurah, unpacking how its laws give us a framework to negotiate between our competing urges: the desire to give love, and the desire to preserve ourselves.

Judith Levitan lives in Sydney Australia. She holds degrees in Law and Social Work from the University of NSW. Her honours thesis examined community attitudes to domestic violence in the Orthodox Jewish community. She has worked for the last 10 years in the social justice sector as a lawyer, community legal education coordinator, facilitator and project manager. Judith has studied at Midreshet HaRova and Nishmat, and is currently an off site student at Yeshivat Maharat in New York.