
Kiddushin: To Sanctify & To Be Sanctified

Episode Summary

Tirzah Meacham unpacks masekhet Kiddushin, exploring its central place in understanding the role of women in our communities today.

Episode Notes

Tirzah Meacham unpacks masekhet Kiddushin, exploring its central place in understanding the role of women in our communities today.

Tirzah Meacham has a PhD in Talmud from Hebrew University. She works chiefly on Niddah, status of women, legal status and medical realia in Talmudic literature. Together with Miriam Frenkel she published Sefer HaBagrut, by Shmuel ben Hofni Gaon, on legal minority and majority, as well as several articles in the Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Jewish Women. She is currently working on the Feminist Commentary to Tractate Niddah and Tehinot. She teaches Talmudic Literature at the University of Toronto.

This YourTorah episode is dedicated by Tirzah Meacham in memory of Rivka Horwitz, a woman who wanted to study Talmud but wasn't allowed. She worked in Jewish Thought but encouraged Tirzah to study Talmud.