
Arakhin: The Value of Valuation

Episode Summary

Dena Weiss introduces masekhet Arakhin, delving into Temple valuations and how we value people, and tracing the Mishnah's logic through its discussion of cases that demand one to be strict and cases where one can be less strict.

Episode Notes

Dena Weiss introduces masekhet Arakhin, delving into Temple valuations and how we value people, and tracing the Mishnah's logic through its discussion of cases that demand one to be strict and cases where one can be less strict.

Dena Weiss is the Rosh Beit Midrash of Yeshivat Hadar, a Halakhic, gender-Egalitarian and non-denominational full-time learning programme in NYC. She received her BA from NYU, and her MA from Harvard Divinity School. She teaches Talmud, Hassidut, and Midrash.